Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Shauna Anderson
Business Manager/District Clerk
District Office
Marie Aston
Food Service Worker
Food Services
406-626-2600 Option 2
Lisa Bainter
Elementary School
4066262600 Option 2
Dylan Baker
High School
4066262600 Option 5
Dylan Barnard
Middle School
406-626-2600 Option 4
Charlene Barnhart
Food Service
406-626-2600 Option 1
Rainier Batt
School Board Trustee
District Office
Jessica Beers
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
406-626-2600 option 3
Sherri Beierle
Special Education Teacher
High School
406-626-2600 option 5
Jimé Benitez
Transportation Director
Bryon Bertollt
5th Grade Teacher
Intermediate School
406-626-2600 option 3
Elaina Blass
K-4 Music and 5th Band
Intermediate School
406-626-2600 Option 3
Bill Boudreaux
MS & HS Lifeskills Teacher/ Media Arts Teacher
High School
406-626-2600 Option 5
Sarah Bowers
4066262600 Option 2
Kristen Braun
PK Special Ed teacher
Elementary School
4066262600 Option 2
Christine Brown
Bus Driver
406-626-2600 Option 6
Jodie Burklund
3rd Grade Teacher
Intermediate School
406-626-2600 option 2
Evangeline Campbell
Middle School Teacher
406-626-2600 Option 4
Susan Christianson
Food Service
4066262600 Option 1
Kendra Clark
FCS Teacher
(406) 626-2600 option 4